


WG7 Leaders


Milica Velimirovic Fanfani
WG7 leader
Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)
Nanna Bloch Hartmann
Science Communication Coordinator
WG4 co-leader, WG7 co-leader
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)



This WG plans to encourage scientists to participate in science communication activities to increase awareness in society and education regarding the environmental issues related to N/MPs. As an outcome, WG7 proposes to mobilize researchers, school leaders, local authority, support staff, teachers and practitioners, students, and parents by means of traditional journalism (e.g., newspapers, radio, TV), face-to-face events (e.g., science cafes, sci-art, science centers, and museums), and online interactions (e.g., citizen science, social media, podcasts) to empower citizens as key actors in addressing N/MPs challenges.)


Subgroups and subgroup leader

Boardgames for educative purposes

Leader: Ricardo João Ferreira Simões, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Science communication group

Citizen science




Completed or ongoing activities

Instagram takeovers involved temporarily handing over control of an Instagram account to an individual participating in a short-term scientific mission. This person then shared their experiences, insights, and behind-the-scenes moments related to the mission on the account. The primary objective is to increase the visibility of the scientific mission and engage a wider audience, including peers, stakeholders, and the general public.


Future/planned activities

Several ideas are proposed for discussing further the possible contribution of Priority including:

  • Microplastics long term effect in organisms, easy ways to determine and predict by kids
  • Towards Zero Microplastic Exposure: How Kids Avoid Microplastics from Foods
  • Detecting the Invisible – Scientists use cool tools to find and study microplastics. Join the adventure of uncovering the invisible pollution!
  • Be a Zero Microplastic Hero – What can kids do to help keep microplastics out of nature?

Call for young researchers interested in organizing online events by inviting experts or scientist to give a presentation in the field of microplastics:

  • What are microplastics and why are they a concern?
  • Sources of microplastics (e.g., plastic pollution, microbeads)
  • Microplastics characterisation
  • Environmental impacts of microplastics
  • Potential human health implications
  • Ongoing research and solutions

To teach researchers how to communicate clearly about their research in collaboration with COST action: Science writing, Pitch training, Infographics, Podcasting