Plastics Monitoring Detection Remediation Recovery

PRIORITY is a science and technology research network focused on developing, implementing, and consolidating strategies to tackle the global challenges of micro- and nanoplastics in the environment.


to the Action

PRIORITY stands for ‘Plastics monitoRIng detectiOn RemedIaTion recoverY’


Enhance the technical standards for sampling and analysis of micro- and nanoplastics in the environment.


Create and coordinate a team of scientists and experts to address the challenges in the field of environmental nano- and microplastic pollution.


The production, demand and disposal of plastics has grown exponentially during the last century, leading to a production of 359 million tons in 2018.


Meet our
Working Groups

PRIORITY is organised in seven Working Groups to develop a research network.


WG1 aims to assess impacts and risks on human health and environment related to N/MPs, as well as to identify, develop and increase the European and global standardization of methods for testing the hazards of N/MPs.


WG2 aims to help European and developing countries to assess and develop harmonized monitoring methods and sampling procedures for different environmental matrices.


The objectives of WG3 are to (1) understand the potential of the tools available for the analysis, (2) to help European and developing countries to assess harmonized methods, and (3) to facilitate and encourage access to EU research infrastructures and facilities.


WG4 aims to identify suitable and validated analytical methods for detection and quantification of NPs based on the experiences of the Action participants.


WG5 – Remediation, recovery and development of sustainable alternative to plastic materials- aims to identify reuse, recycling, and recovery alternatives for environmental plastics and to define technological approaches for new recycling and recovery alternatives.


The main objectives of this WG are the validation of existing protocols for sample preparation and measurements (shape, size, abundance, and composition) in the range of N/MPs, through organization and the participation of PRIORITY laboratories in interlaboratory studies and comparison with different independent measurement principles.


This WG plans to encourage scientists to participate in science communication activities to increase awareness in society and education regarding the environmental issues related to N/MPs.

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Are you Interested
in Taking Part?

The COST Action PRIORITY welcomes research-active scientists working in the field. There are many ways to get involved.


Latest Updates

Save the Date! Date: September 2–5, 2025Location: Leoben, Austria.
2-day small training event on Plastic transport experimental and field methods by COST Action PRIORITY in Vienna, 12th-13th April 2024 (just before EGU) View Flyer The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research Wasserbaulabor at the University of Natural and Life Sciences (BOKU), in Vienna, Austria, will host the first PRIORITY small training – M3 Plastics: Measuring, Monitoring, Modelling...
Description These Small Training events represent a new concept with respect to the traditional model of Training Schools. In contrast to the singular large-scale training school model (as organized in the previous Grant Period, GP2, of PRIORITY COST Action, have a look here), this Grant Period, GP3, introduces a dynamic approach with smaller, distributed training...
Join the 2nd workshop on PRIORITY Short Term Scientific Missions to be held on June 20, 2023. More info here.
Co-organized by PRIORITY and 21GRD07PlasticTrace May 23, 2023 – Berlin (DE) Hosted by BAM, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, Germany
The Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena, Germany, will host the PRIORITY Training School – Recent Trends in Microplastic Research, 22-26 May, 2023. The School is framed in PRIORITY Working Group WG3, dedicated to instrumentation, modelling, data evaluation, software, and analytical procedures. The scientific program in a nutshell Day 1: Experimental design, Fluorescence microscopy,...