


WG3 Leaders


Wolfgang Fritzsche
WG3 leader
Liebniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Moritz Bigalke
WG3 co-leader
Technical University of Darmstadt



The objectives of WG3 are to (1) understand the potential of the tools available for the analysis, (2) to help European and developing countries to assess harmonized methods, and (3) to facilitate and encourage access to EU research infrastructures and facilities. The planned activities will include the establishment of guidelines and standard operating procedures for established analytical approaches such as optical/fluorescence microscopy, vibrational spectroscopy (Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy), and thermal methods (e.g., differential scanning calorimetry or pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry). For the established techniques, special emphasis will be placed on standardized methods with a higher throughput, in order to realize a statistically relevant characterization of samples. On the other hand, novel analytical approaches having the potential to detect as well as identify plastic particles of a few mm or submicron size (NP), preferably in its native state, will be evaluated and established. The latter will be carried out in close collaboration with WG4 to establish novel nanospectroscopic and masspetrometric approaches as a tool for this so-far predominantly uncharted field. Providing access of standardized established, as well as newly developed, innovative approaches for users across Europe and beyond, in combination with training to enable efficient use, represents another key part of work.


Subgroups and subgroup leader

Subgroup 1 – Microscopy (optical, fluorescence)

Leader: dr. Inta Dimante-Deimantovica, Agency of Daugavpils University “Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology”, Latvia (

Microscopy (nanoscale)

Leader: dr. Gregor Hlawacek, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany (

Spectroscopy (IR/Raman)

Leader: dr. Maria Laura Santarelli, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy (

Pyrolysis and GC/MS

Leader: dr. Laurent Lemee, Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers [IC2MP], France (

Modelling & Data Evaluation

Leader: dr. Arianna Varrani, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland (




Completed or ongoing activities

This Training School of 5 days had 73 participants, included 12 + 4 lectures and more than 60 poster pitch talks / poster session. Beside on-site lectures/posters/hike, and an excursion to the Research Center Rossendorf / Dresden was organized.


Future/planned activities

The study was planned and initiated in two subgroup leader meetings at 22.10.2022 and 24.04.2023 and a proposal for a study was presented at the WG 3 session at the Full Action Meeting (20.09.2023). After the Full Action Meeting a subgroup leader meeting took place at 29.09.2023 and also Thomas Meisel (WG6) participated. It was decided to do some initial tests on water heaters and baby bottles to check if these subjects would release enough material to be analyzed and could be suitable for a joint study. After the pre-analysis the joint study might start.