2-day small training event on Plastic transport experimental and field methods by COST Action PRIORITY in Vienna, 12th-13th April 2024 (just before EGU)
The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research Wasserbaulabor at the University of Natural and Life Sciences (BOKU), in Vienna, Austria, will host the first PRIORITY small training – M3 Plastics: Measuring, Monitoring, Modelling of plastics in flowing waters, on 12-13 April 2024.
The event is framed in PRIORITY Working Group WG3, dedicated to instrumentation, modelling, data evaluation, software, and analytical procedures.
The program includes:
Laboratory Day with keynote on experimental design by dr. Daniel Valero (Imperial College, London), open discussion on the future of laboratory plastics research, and a demonstration laboratory test
Field Day with keynote on monitoring in the field by dr. Marcel Liedermann (BOKU, Vienna), open discussion on the future of plastics field reserch, and live field measurements
Other activities: Poster sessions, Networking activities.
The participation is FREE OF CHARGE.
The Small Training will be supported by PRIORITY, giving the chance to 8 selected participants to attend the event with PRIORITY contribution. The contribution will cover long-distance travel expenses (up to 400 EUR) and a daily allowance to cover the remaining expenses of 100 EUR.
Eligible candidates for PRIORITY funding are early career researchers affiliated with entities in one of COST full/cooperating members, European RTD Organization, and Legal entity in Near Neighbour Countries.
Additionally, non-selected students will have the option to take part using their funds to cover travel and other expenses (up to 20 participants).
Deadline for registration is March 8th.
Decisions will be sent by March 15th.
Follow the link to register: https://forms.office.com/e/hD5rQ0qjBt
Contact details: Arianna Varrani, avarrani@igf.edu.pl