Micro and nanoplastic pollution: detection and mitigation, present and future challenges

TRAINING SCHOOL – Micro and nanoplastic pollution: detection and mitigation, present and future challenges will be held in Naples (NA), Italy, from 28th to 30th September at the Partenope Congress Centre.

The presence of microplastics (MPs) has been assessed in all  environmental compartments, in food/non food products becoming a global threat. Due to the complexity of the MPs pollution issues, different strategies are under study to mitigate this environmental problem and to prevent their entrance in the environment. This School will offer an overview on methods and techniques under investigation to early career researchers, to allow them to develop innovative solutions to detect and mitigate microplastics contamination.

The school is organized in the framework of the COST Action CA20101 PRIORITY – Plastics monitoring detection remediation recovery. The COST Action aims to develop a research network focused on developing, implementing, and consolidating strategies to tackle the global challenge of micro- and nanoplastic environmental pollution.

Due to the Covid situation and unpredictable sanitary restrictions the school is organised as an hybrid event including participation both in presence and online. At the moment it is possible to accept a maximum of 40 participants in presence.



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